Monday, September 14, 2009

How it all began

For years, I watched in amazement as other girls played roller derby. After each bout, I left invigorated and energized, wishing that I could do it myself. I would talk excitedly about it for a few weeks, imagining the possibilities, before life took back over, and my derby dreams were pushed to the back of my mind. I worked, I raised children, I made a home and a life for my family.

Life kicked my tush up and down the street for a while, and it seemed there was hardly time to come up for air, let alone pursue a hobby as intense as roller derby. There were other things to consider as well, not the least of which was my lack of health insurance. I had never been athletic, I was always picked last in gym class. I asked my self repeatedly, who did I think I was kidding with my recurring dreams of playing roller derby?

Finally one cold day last February, I saw a posting for a recruitment party for our local league. In a snap decision that would change everything, I went. I started practicing 2 days later. The rest, as they say, is history.